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The reception of Holy Communion begins a lifetime of being nourished by the Bread of Life, a more complete celebration of Eucharist. The first reception of these sacraments is most often celebrated when children are in the second grade; however preparation is arranged for any who request the sacrament. The preparation includes sessions for the parents and children together and also opportunities for the adults to update their understanding of the theology of the sacraments. The children are prepared to receive the sacraments with reverence, understanding and hope. Families are encouraged to recognize the grace of God already present in our everyday actions, and become aware that sacraments celebrate what God has done and continues to do in our lives. Texts are provided to guide parents in working with their children.

Registration for second graders takes place in the fall.  Information for others wishing to prepare and celebrate the sacraments is available by contacting the parish office.


The preparation process for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation and Matrimony includes the participation of the individual, the family, and the parish community.  The family and parish community, working together provide the foundations, experiences, and celebrations in which Jesus’ presence can be experienced and understood. All persons seeking sacramental preparation must be registered members of St. Marcus Parish.

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