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​​Father John's Message​

Fr. John Doe



Dear Parishioners,

              Amber’s mother sat in the back of the chapel, barely noticeable in one of the far corners, as the people prepared the memorial service for her daughter an alumna of the college who had graduated in 2007. As an Environmental Science major, Amber had cofounded the student organization “Team Green” which brought environmental awareness to the campus, as well as practical clean-up efforts. One teacher described her as “a young woman with a lot of promise, drive and skill who fully utilized her abilities.” Amber had been instrumental leading Team Green to plant a rain garden in front of the day care center so the very youngest members of the campus could enjoy its beauty and be influenced to care for the earth. After graduation, Amber taught English in China for a year and then returned several years later to do it again. It was during her second tour in China that she suffered an asthma attack from which she did not recover.

A unique memorial service was held on May 1 in her honor, touching all who attended. Beginning in the chapel with prayerful words from fellow students, the congregation lit candles, placing them in terra cotta pots filled with sand. Each person was then given a small seedling flower they carried to the rain garden, led by the current Team Green members. As thoughts of Amber were shared, colorful snapdragons were planted along the border of the garden and stones arranged spelling out her name.

Our Gospel today warns that “one’s life does not consist in possessions,” which pass quickly when one is called to the afterlife. In her brief life, Amber hardly had a chance to store up earthly treasures. The richness of her life consisted of her care for the earth, and her treasure consisted of a living gift that will continue to grow and flower, while enhancing the beauty of the campus for years to come.

This true story helps us put into perspective what Jesus is telling us in the Gospel today. What is going to be our lasting impact on this earth? What treasures are we accumulating that are important in the eyes of God? As we continue on our journey of faith let us willingly and gratefully shares God’s blessings, God’s message, God’s love and God’s forgiveness with those around us. Sharing these gifts with others are the treasures that will last forever.

May God continue to bless us and may we continue to share these blessings with all others.

Fr. Virg


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