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​​Volunteer Ministries

Saint Mary's Block Party Committee

The Block Party is the parish's most important fundraiser, held on the Saturday after Labor (in September). The committee meets throughout the year.

Funeral Lunch Groups
This committee assists those who are in grief by serving a meal for the family and friends of the deceased following the funeral liturgy and burial.

Art & Environment
As part of the Worship Committee, this group provides prayerful environment in the worship space on a seasonal basis.

Prayer Blankets

Prayer Blankets are made of fleece with a label stating, "They are covered in prayers from Saint Mary's Cathedral Parish."


Christmas Food Baskets

Volunteers gather food that is donated, assemble the boxes of food, and deliver the the boxes to the parishioners in need that year.

Prayer Line
When people have special needs or intentions, they are invited to call the Parish Prayer Line to request prayers. A phone-tree network is set up so that requests for prayer can be announced. Call Ellen Voigt at 251-6412 to join the Prayer Line or to request prayers for a particular intention.

Community Meal for the Needy
As part of our service to the larger community, we provide a meal for thosewho are in need on the fourth Sunday of the month at 5 pm. If you would like to help with this meal, call Maureen McNaughton at 203-9761.

Church of the Week

Several of the church communities in Saint Cloud participate in "Church of the Week". Each takes a one-week turn in winter, providing shelter and meals for the homeless.

Volunteer Opportunities

The are many volunteer ministries and opportunities to serve the parish and members of our faith community. Please call the Parish Office.

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